From the moment you start training in fast reading, it is advisable to note that optimized reading starts from a reading speed of over 1000 words per minute (wpm). Over this threshold the working memory functions optim so that you can read fast and, in the mean time, you can understand most of the information even from the first reading of a text. This reading speed threshold is reached and exceeded by constant training. In October 2017 we registered the first SpeeRead user that reached and exceeded a reading speed level above 1000 wpm. Performance has been achieved with the second training program since August 2017. The first training program was completed in January 2014. See the evolution graph at reading speed below. Read Andrea's testimony about this special performance.
Body and mind relaxation plays an important role during the optimized speed reading training. When we learned to read we went through the first steps of the training reading out loud. Thus, we have acquired the reflex of the vocal cords movement associated with the act of reading. This reflex is preserved, but it passes imperceptibly when we go to speechless reading. It limits our reading speed and the ability to understand and memorize. Relaxation is one of the keys to overcoming this barrier. Read on to learn how relaxation can help you achieve superior performance when you go through optimized quick reading training programs from SpeeRead.
When we read, the texts we go through can fall into two broad categories. Let us read literary texts such as novels, short stories, philosophy or poetry, or read "technical" texts, which means specialized texts in any field of knowledge, whether we are talking about humanities or exact sciences. The same kind of information processing is done if we read from the psychology or legal manual, but also if we read economics or computer programming. Optimized fast reading helps you to read faster but also to understand fully and deeper both types of text above mentioned. Read below to see how!
Man is endowed with three memory systems:
Each of these three systems has specific functions that contribute decisively to regulating our interactions with the environment, with the other people, and ourselves. Each of these three systems is involved in the rapid reading process and, moreover, is more efficiently optimized and utilized by learning and using fast reading. Here's how!
SpeeRead online platform is the key and central element of the expert training system for optimized speed reading. It is available in romanian language since august 2015. Soon it will be available also in english language. During this time, important data about rapid reading performances provided by users has been gathered. This article purpose is to demonstrate the statistic reality of some statements that you will find in many places on this website.
The focus will be here on the average reading speed and average memory capacity. The data gathered till now came from two sources:
The speed reading training is based on certain characteristics of the human brain and eyes, together with our memory, which can be optimised and taken advantage of by anybody who wishes this. There are 5 valid scientific arguments that show us how fast reading is accessible to anyone. You can read bellow a brief description of this 5 arguments. 1. The path for processing the meaning of written information is different to the path for processing visual features (e.g. shape, colour etc.). The path for processing the meaning of information is dominant, which means that we automatically allocate the most psychical resources to it when we read. We are basically more interested in understanding what we are reading, and less in the way the letters look. Our brain is designed to favour mainly the understanding of the text and only subsequently the graphic aspects.
The SpeeRead project started in January 2013. It proposes an original algorithm, based on psychological principles and tested and continuously improved through the use of scientific research and studies, an algorithm designed to develop the speed reading skill. SpeeRead is a speed reading learning program, offered online and designed to be adapted for each user.
Speed reading is a skill that can be acquired by everyone who wants to train in an appropriate way. SpeeRead delivers the optimum training program for each user. Once you reach a reading speed of over 500 wpm, you can consider yourself a speed reader. Speed reading takes place by going through the entire text, word by word, at a greater speed than usual. Speed reading does not mean scanning the text for information considered essential by the reader. Speed reading is not the same as photoreading.
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