Instruction System for Speed Reading and Effective Learning
Your Benefits
You will read much faster, you will understand what you read a lot easier, you will memorize the information much better, you will learn more effectively and you will gain more time to enjoy doing the things you love most.
Speed Reading
Optimized Speed Reading is a procedure that allows you to fully browse any text, word by word or in adjoining words, at a reading speed starting from 900-1000 words per minute (wpm). Average reading speed is 250 wpm and it is a slow reading.
Start Now
START NOW and go through the first step of the training, the Reading Speed Test 1 and the Memory Questionnaire 1. The program will guide you through all the training stages to be completed on the first day. This first program step is FREE!
I love reading and learning effectively. Optimized reading and effective learning abilities are important throughout one’s life and are extremely useful during intense years such as the ones spent studying. These abilities are also of tremendous help in regular professional activities, leading to an increased personal productivity and to a better quality of all intellectual processes.
Along the way I’ve tested many variants and I would like to present to you the one that has helped me reach 1,000 word-per-minute reading speed and 80% memorization capacity. It is an online program for optimized reading, that is fast reading of the entire text followed by comprehending and memorizing the important pieces of information. It is NOT a photoreading process, NOR a skimming process.
This method is named “SpeeRead” and the psychologist who has invented it used scientific research and evidence.
Developing optimized reading skills is done through systematic training with the help of an online program. These specific workouts train the eyes, brain and memory to read faster and at full extent any text and to assimilate more effectively the data one has read.
You may see below my results:
After 6 weeks of trainings I finally reached a speed above 1000 wpm (1271). At first, I couldn’t believe it, but if I think about it, it’s not just about the reading speed. I observed that since I trained my eye muscles to move so fast I notice things around me faster in my day to day life, I understand connections quicker.
I chose to improve my reading speed to optimize my time and to improve my memory capacity. In other words, I wanted to read more and more efficiently without spending extra time for that. I am pleasantly surprised by the results that this course can offer and the progress made in such a short time. In just 6 weeks, starting at an average speed of about 600 words per minute I managed to exceed the 1000 words per minute threshold. In addition to the initial goals, the greatest satisfaction came by overcoming a limit that once seemed almost impossible to reach. Thank you.
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